This week in the Iowa Legislature

And just like that…the first funnel deadline is behind us! Despite severe winter weather, the inauguration, a few funerals, and a special election, the legislature was very productive in the first 8 weeks of session introducing nearly 2,000 bills and holding over 1,000 subcommittees. This past week was a typical funnel week whirlwind, with long days and extended committee meetings running hours behind schedule. Lawmakers raced to push hundreds of bills through subcommittees and committees this week alone, ensuring their survival. Now, their attention shifts to lengthy caucus sessions and floor debate—as we begin the hurry up and wait segment of session. Check out the key high-profile bills that made it through the funnel below.


Governor’s Priorities Surviving the Funnel

  • Natural Disaster Assistance Bill: (HSB 246/SSB 1188) addresses emergency preparedness and disaster recover issues following numerous record-setting floods and tornadoes in Iowa last year.
  • Energy Bill: SSB 1112/HSB 123 covers electric power generation, utility rates, right of first refusal, and digesters.
  • Math Education Bill: SF 450/HF 784 set out to improve test scores in K-12 schools and addresses practitioner prep programs, and makes changes to math curriculum.
  • K-12 Schools Prohibiting Cell Phone Use: SF 370/HF 782 restricts the usage of all cellular devices in schools with an additional focus on social media usage in grades 6-8, giving districts flexibility to meet these requirements for their unique needs.
  • Early Childhood Education: SF 445/HF 623 proposes new rules for early childhood education/preschool, community partnerships, and a child development coordinating council.
  • Hands-Free Driving: SF 22/HF 827 implements laws to ban Hands-Free driving and provide for enforcement.
  • Healthcare: SSB 1163/HF 754 creates a funding model and plan for improving access to health care in rural Iowa.


Hot Topics Surviving the Funnel

  • Ban on “Obscene Performances”: HF 51/SF 116 would make it a crime to bring any person under the age of 18 to an “obscene performance.”
  • Minimum Age Change to Purchase Firearms: HSB 262 would allow people 18 years or older to obtain permits to purchase firearms.
  • Eminent Domain/Pipeline Bills: HF 780, HF 763, HF 639 addressing several pending pipeline issues.
  • SNAP-Eligible Foods/Double-Up Food Bucks: HF 796 would conditionally grant $1 million to the Double-Up Food Bucks program and require DHHS to limit SNAP-eligible foods to only healthy options. The House & Senate have different versions of Double-Up Food Buck bills, with the Senate’s not as limited for healthy food criteria, SF 232.
  • Ranked-Choice Voting Ban: Under SF 459/HSB 281 introduced by the Secretary of State would ban ranked-choice voting.
  • Lead Service Line Disclosures: SF 425/HF 442 would require the disclosure of lead service lines in real estate purchase agreements.
  • Governor & Legislator Pay Raises: SF 544 would raise pay for legislators by $20,000 and the Governor by $100,000 starting in 2027.
  • PBMs/Co-Pay Accumulators: SF 383/HSB 99 implement PBM and prescription drug reforms.
  • Medicaid Work Requirements: The House HHS Committee passed HSB 248 on a 12-8 vote, establishing work requirements for various Medicaid funds and programs.
  • Work Without Worry: SSB 1174/HSB 241 would not penalize individuals with disabilities if they make too much money from working.
  • Iowa Tuition Grant Requirement Changes: HSB 62 would require funding from this grant program be awarded to students pursuing high-wage/high-demand jobs set by Iowa Association of Independent Colleges & Universities criteria.


Notable Funneled Bills – Dead for the Session

  • IWILL/Trust Fund Repeal: SJR 6, a joint resolution sponsored by 16 Republicans, would have repealed the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund initially approved by Iowa voters in 2010.
  • mRNA Vaccines Ban: SF 360 would have prohibited healthcare providers from administering gene-based vaccines.
  • Vaccine Liability: HF 712 would have prohibited a vaccine from being distributed, sold, or administered in Iowa unless the manufacturer affirmatively waives any immunity from suit for an injury arising from a design defect.
  • Homelessness & Public Lands Use: SSB 1195/HSB 286 would have criminalized unauthorized sleeping or camping on public lands, impacting the homeless population.
  • Minnesota Land Purchase: SF 354 would have authorized talks with Minnesota to purchase the bottom nine counties of that state.
  • Franchise Fee Prohibition: SSB 1181 would have prevented cities and counties from imposing franchise fees on utility bills.


Looking Ahead

With the first legislative deadline behind us, a new phase of session begins. The pace will slow as lawmakers shift from committee work to floor debate, focusing on passing bills between chambers over the next few weeks. This week, both chambers are limited by rule to considering only their own bills—House Files in the House and Senate Files in the Senate. This keeps the process organized and on track moving toward adjournment which is scheduled just eight weeks out! Stay tuned for key updates as floor debate unfolds.


While each chamber has hundreds of bills they could consider, leadership will spend the next couple of weeks prioritizing the legislation they want to move, or they believe can realistically pass this session. Any bill that doesn’t have a companion in the other chamber will need to pass through a subcommittee and committee in the opposite chamber to make the second funnel—which falls on Friday, April 4th. These bills will need as much time as they can get so ideally, they will be moved first.


The Appropriations and Ways and Means Committees in both chambers are scheduled to meet for the first time in several weeks. The March Revenue Estimating Committee will meet on Thursday at 10am giving the legislature their target numbers for the FY26 budget which should begin to unfold in the next 4 to 6 weeks.


To stay up to date on scheduled committees and subcommittees and their virtual access information, follow this link.